Monday, February 1, 2016

New iPhone 7 - Apple Leak and Revelations

Not much has been known about the new child of Apple's iPhone series until now. But massive leaks (maybe kind of organized leak?) have surfaced lately about the new iPhone 7.

Dual Camera
Dual Camera System - Credit Apple
Few months ago, confronted to technical difficulties related to their dual camera implementation, Apple choose to acquire the optical specialist LinX. Since then, working behind tight door, that new technology was integrated by Apple in the new iPhone 7 series announced, in the last report, for March 2016.

The dual camera technology will bring the iPhone 7 to a new level of photo quality. Reaching DSLR-Quality Photos it will give the user the ability to take Professional Quality pictures - at least that's the idea. Will it be useful for the casual user remains to be seen however. Yet, the ability to take pictures with a Pro Quality to it could have some appeal to certain people who are not ready to spend $4000 for a DSLR Camera or $10,000 for a lens.

Still, though, real DSLR stays the turf of the Pro Photographer, and again, it is not so sure that users will find it that important considering the present quality already offered by most of the mobile market (Apple, Samsung, etc) with the 8 Mega pixel quality of their camera. Real DSLR begins at 12 Megapixels and reaches 50 Megapixels. Still a long way to go for iPhone technology.

For more about DLSR Quality Resolution in general - Camera Resolution Explained

Bye bye Headphone Jack
Jack Entry on the Left - Credit Apple
Another point which will make a huge change is the late announcement from Apple to suppress the headphones jack entry from their new iPhone collection. However, it is a huge gamble considering the extent to which the 3.5mm jack is used, and not only in the Apple World.

Adapters are announced for the users of the iPhone 7 who does not want to spend money on a new headphone set specifically designed for the iPhone 7 new connectivity.

Let's wonder if the competition will follow trough with that idea or not. If it is the case, we could see the development of new connectivity standard in the near future.

Now, this being said, why on earth, do you want to abandon the Headphones Jack in the first place?

Two arguments are that first it will give Apple greater possibility to make the iPhone thinner than it actually is, but second, and the most important, it will finally give Apple the ability to make the iPhone 7 fully waterproof (one of the weakness of the jack port). Something Apple worked hard since the iPhone 6 series to implement.

iPhone 7 concept without the Jack

A new casing material - The "Smart" Aluminum
Apple Patent - Credit Apple
In the past month, Apple released some news about a new compound material they were working on. And although they did not give the full make up of that new material to the press, this is what a press release from the company said based on their new patent :

Composite structures that have an appearance of an anodized bulk metal but that is non-capacitive and/or radio frequency (RF) transparent are disclosed. The composite structure can be part of an enclosure of an electronic device. The composite structure can give the enclosure a metallic look without interfering with the functioning of some electronic components of the electronic device, such as RF antennas, touch pads and touch screens.

In other word, for months Apple worked secretly on a new material giving the possibility to get rid of the band antenna of the iPhone, and let the whole casing become the receiver.

It makes no doubts that new things will be presented for the new iPhone 7 before March 2016, some "leaks" here and there. But will the iPhone 7 seduce as the iPhone series has done in the past? In a mobile market overstretched by the shear number of phones, the gamble of Apple to make the iPhone 7 a success remain to be seen.

Time will tell. And let's see what the main competitor's answers will be.

Links of Interest
Forbes - 3 Radical Changes
Forbes - Abandoning Jack
Forbes - New iPhone7


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