Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Star Wars Land - Disney Release Some Concept Arts

It's not much of a secret anymore, Disney is working hard on the creation of what will be the first Star Wars Theme Park. The construction is beginning soon this year.

Located in Disneyland, as well as Disney World, each part will be representative of one world with its own market, cafe, bar, restaurant, etc. An example could be made with the well known Tatooine's Cantina (seen in SW 4 - A New Hope) for instance. This does not mean it will be a reproduction of the cantina itself, but as inspired by. The whole idea is to invite people (fan and family alike) to an experience in another world fully inspired by the Star Wars Universe. 

Although not much details have fully filtered yet, some Concept Arts have been released by Disney which gives a better idea of what the Company is working on. Here below some of those released Concept Arts.



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